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Portable Winch useful with back leaners

Richard Tregoweth, Sunday, June 24, 2012

Malcolm Shaw from Norton Tree Services was probably the first arborist in New Zealand to use the Honda powered Portable Winch to 'persuade' a back-leaner to drop in the right direction.

That was back in 2009.

While the motor is running on the Portable Winch the ..

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Resist using inappropriate hardware when rigging

Richard Tregoweth, Saturday, June 23, 2012

Over the last week Treetools has seen a couple of examples where relatively new 16mm Samson rigging lines have broken due to carabiner failure, resulting in timber on the deck.

The metal on the sheered-off carabiner has snagged the rope, slicing through it, sending the piece ..

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Rope Wrench failure proves a point

Richard Tregoweth, Friday, June 22, 2012

US-based climber Marc Powell posted the pictures below on Facebook earlier in the week.

Apparently the ball-lock pin on his Rope Wrench came loose and side loaded one plate of the Wrench. Marc is okay and did not fall from the tree as many expected.

"Honestly this is my fault. As mentioned ..

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LOLER-style gear testing on the horizon for NZ?

Richard Tregoweth, Thursday, June 21, 2012

Kiwi arb companies are showing interest in the concept of independent third party gear 'inspection' (of tree climbing and rigging equipment) not unlike the LOLER concept adopted in the UK.

The interesting thing is, from a New Zealand perspective, the idea appears to be self-imposed.

That is, independent third party gear inspection ..

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Muller Wood Picks on the way

Richard Tregoweth, Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Muller Wood Pick is not common in New Zealand but those who have used this tool can't believe they got by without one.

Wood picks or Pickeroons have been used in European and US forestry for years. Only recently have arborists started showing interest.

As you ..

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Legends Foundation makes its first big payout

Richard Tregoweth, Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Scott Forrest Legends Foundation has made its first major contribution to New Zealand tree climbing by paying out to the kiwi Asia-Pacific TCC climbers who competed recently in Hobart.

James Kilpatrick, Zane Wedding, Jawand Nga Chun, David Stejskal, Clay Winter and the Legends Foundation patron Scott Forrest all received $150 ..

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Wireless communication the next big thing in tree work!

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Shouting, yelling, hand waving, whistling and the tossing of the occasional chog of wood at the groundie are no longer acceptable forms of communication (apparently).

Technology is beginning to creep into tree work communication. Developments in wireless climber-to-ground electronic communication are now moving forward rapidly, with Bluetooth leading the charge.

Bluetooth is ..

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Power lines and trees; extreme care required

Richard Tregoweth, Friday, June 15, 2012

The availability of highly specialized arborist equipment is great if you are qualified to use it but in the wrong hands this very same equipment can be deadly.

Amateurs generally know their limitations when it comes to climbing gear but the same cannot be said for ..

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Mini Lifts: the end of the road for tree climbing?

Richard Tregoweth, Thursday, June 14, 2012

Every tree is a unique structure so its hard to imagine a piece of machinery taking the place of a climber but you can certainly see the appeal in the new arb specific mini lifts coming onto the market.

There is an excellent article in the latest TCIA Magazine which gives ..

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Legends Foundation website due for launch soon!

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Scott Forrest Legends Foundation will have its very own website thanks to sponsorship from Treetools and web development work by Auckland aerial arborist David Kite.

The Legends Foundation was established by the current ITCC World Champion, Scott Forrest, with the primary aim of generating funds to assist kiwi tree climbers ..

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