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Treetools Blog

Mind your language, or things will get (even more) complicated

Richard Tregoweth, Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Before meaningful discussion can take place everyone has to be speaking the same language. Without a common, accepted lexicon the development of perfectly sound theories will be lost in translation.

Dr Roger Mortimer referenced this phenomenon in his Suspension Trauma presentation we featured yesterday and, to ..

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More Rope Wrench testing data

Richard Tregoweth, Wednesday, July 04, 2012

The academics will have you believe these Rope Wrench static pull tests are crap.

They say the same about the break tests Treetools does but we believe this style of testing is better than nothing - it's certainly better than proprietary data secreted away in ..

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Suspension trauma - not moving a muscle can be dangerous

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Anyone working in a work positioning harness (read tree work) day-in-day-out needs to set aside and hour of their time to watch this presentation by Dr Roger Mortimer from the National Cave Rescue Commission.

Dr Mortimers' presentation was video taped at the 2012 NCRC National ..

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New Rope Wrench prototype on display

Richard Tregoweth, Monday, July 02, 2012

By all accounts a prototype version of the 'new' Rope Wrench (manufactured by ISC Wales we believe) can be seen on the 'Tight Hitches', Bitches!' video posted last week.

Take another look at the video - you will have to look ..

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Rope Wrench failure test footage

Richard Tregoweth, Sunday, July 01, 2012

Check out the test simulating Marc Powell's Rope Wrench pin release problem - see previous blog post here. The video speaks for itself.


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Caution Notice for Rope Wrench users

Richard Tregoweth, Friday, June 29, 2012

Note the reference to the Figure 8 when climbing SRT - Treetools couldn't agree more!

All the controversy surrounding the Rope Wrench has certainly achieved one thing; users are ..

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Is Dale Thomas onto something important here?

Richard Tregoweth, Thursday, June 28, 2012


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2012 Wellington Regional TCC heads north the Whanganui

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why the zombie soundtrack? Not entirely sure at this point!

For the first time in a good few years the 2012 AZ Arbor Husqvarna Wellington Regional TCC will truly be 'regional' with a shift in venue from the usual spot at the Wellington Botanic Gardens to ..

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Johan Gustavsson wins 2012 European TCC

Richard Tregoweth, Monday, June 25, 2012

Here's all we have to date! Johan Gustavsson, Sweden, Mens Division and Anja Erni, Switzerland Womens 2012 ETCC. (Anja was the 2009 Womens ITCC World Champion)

Photograph shot by Treetools at the 2011 ITCC, Parramata, Sydney, Australia. ..

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Sterling TriTech passes trial tests

Richard Tregoweth, Monday, June 25, 2012

Master splicer and contract climber Drew Bristow was dubious when Treetools told him about Sterling TriTech, the rope substitute for wire core flip lines.

Treetools landed a hank of Sterling TriTech specifically for trialling before we committed to stocking the item.

Drew has used a 4m length of Sterling TriTech as a ..

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