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ArbPro Tree Climbing Boots give Scarpa Pro Ascent a nudge

Richard Tregoweth, Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Scarpa and Gronell have had the professional tree climbing boot market pretty much to themselves.

The Pro Ascent by Scarpa is the foot locking boot of choice ..

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Weather concerns for ITCC organizers

Richard Tregoweth, Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pack your Goretex (or eVent) jackets if you are off to the world's this weekend!

Thanks to Fisher Photo Industry for this weather update.



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Donahys Armor-Prus with a polyester core?

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Donahys Armor-Prus is one the most popular 'heat-resistant' friction cords available on the market. A bit over a year ago, the powers that be started making noises about potential safety concerns regarding the splice being employed to make eye-to-eye Armor-Prus friction cords (commonly used in the ubiquitous 'Hitch climber' set-up).

The debate ..

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Rob Fisher captures Scott and Veronika 'in the moment'

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sorry Marie-Pierrette it's not what you think!

We've featured Rob's tree climbing photography before on the Treetools blog - and we have a couple of his Read More

Climber Top 20 update from NZ Arbor

Richard Tregoweth, Monday, July 18, 2011

The latest climber rankings are now available on the NZ Arbor website.



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Pfanner Protos: nothing lost in translation

Richard Tregoweth, Monday, July 18, 2011

Pfanner Protos: THE helmet to put on your wish list!


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Enhance your ITCC experience: understand the rules

Richard Tregoweth, Saturday, July 16, 2011

Download a copy of the 2011 ITCC Rules and familiarize yourself with the changes if you are attending the event in Parramata next weekend.

The 2011 amendments are clearly noted in red.


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The usual suspects: a video snapshot!

Richard Tregoweth, Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mt Arboristcaptures the essence of Trans Tasman tree climbing on video - thanks Jérémie! (where's your NTCA tee shirt Scott?)


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Largest ITCC field ever - (almost) overwhlems event organizers

Richard Tregoweth, Friday, July 15, 2011

There are over 60 climbers in next weekends ITCC event in Parramata. A competitor field of that size will be very difficult to manage.

In anticipation of high competitor numbers, the 2011 ITCC organizing committee called for helpers late last ..

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Addendum: there is SRT and then there's SRT!

Richard Tregoweth, Thursday, July 14, 2011

The term SRT (Single Rope Technique) can be confusing in itself.

There are two concurrent uses of the term:

1) SRT (ascent) - the use of a single line to access a tree. An example is the 'tree frog' system but there are multiple variations of this technique ..

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