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Treetools Blog

Inaugural Hackfalls Arborcamp a huge success

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hackfalls Arborcamp 2011

Climbers probably had visions of secateur and Silky pruning when they first heard about the arbor camp at Hackfalls Arboretum in Tinaroto… but nothing could be further from the truth.

The treework carried out by the volunteer ..

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Treework: if it can happen; it will happen!

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, November 15, 2011


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What's the tensile strength of your rigging rope?

Richard Tregoweth, Thursday, November 10, 2011

Quality arborist blocks have the Minimum Break Strength (MBS) and Safe Working Load (SWL) or Working Load Limit (WLL) clearly visible to the user. The SWL or WLL figure for rigging hardware is typically based on a 5:1 safety factor relative to the MBS.

But the ..

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Escalator: New Englands latest ascent line

Richard Tregoweth, Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Someone at New England Ropes deserves a kick in the pants! The company has gone to all the bother (and expense) of producing a new ascent line and all Treetools can tell you is exactly that: New England Ropes have launched a new ascent line called Escalator: why struggle to ..

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Hackfalls arborcamp/working bee this weekend in gizzy

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Break out your camping gear for the first of the summer arbor camps (it's always summer in Gisborne) - the Hackfalls Arboretum arborcamp and working bee is this coming weekend in Tiniroto, Gisborne.

The Hackfalls Arboretum tidy up work is mostly snow and storm damage to medium sized trees, although there ..

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Samson Ropes: one size does not fit all

Richard Tregoweth, Monday, November 07, 2011

The metaphorical ink has barely dried on the page since our 'Rope innovation required' blog of October 14 and Samson Ropes have launched the new 24-strand, 12.7mm Vortex climbing line onto the international market.

Sure Samson Vortex is not an access rope but it does offer some new innovation for a ..

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pulleySaver mods solve Pinto Rig sheave damage issue

Richard Tregoweth, Saturday, November 05, 2011

The load-bearing becket on the DMM Pinto Rig is both a blessing and a curse. The blessings are obvious but the curse only manifests itself in certain situations.

One of those 'situations' is on the Treemagineers pulleySaver where the retrieval shackle rides up and jams between ..

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Labour woes continue for NZ arb companies

Richard Tregoweth, Friday, November 04, 2011

The New Zealand labour market for aerial arborists began to tighten earlier in the year. The trend first became apparent in the provinces but today even the larger urban companies are beginning to feel the pinch.

Back in April when Treetools first blogged about local labour shortages, some climbers suggested remuneration, ..

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A victim of our own success!

Richard Tregoweth, Thursday, November 03, 2011

Treetools is an advocate for climbing (and rigging) education: through official providers like WINTEC, Otago Polytech, Pro Climb or Thought Planters. Or through the unofficial 'retail education' channel Treetools provides in store.

If you have had a 'Treetools experience' you will know it takes at least an hour (or two) in ..

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Stein setting the pace for gear development

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Your average, everyday hard working arborist is very thankful the Stein brand exists. Real value for money is a sort after commodity and that is what Stein is all about.

Take the new Stein X2 Climbers for example (as blogged about previously).

Made in the US, ..

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