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Internationally acclaimed tree climbers at 2010 Waikato/BoP Regional TCC

Richard Tregoweth, Friday, August 27, 2010

At least three internationally acclaimed tree climbers are likely to attend the 2010 Wakiato/BoP Regional TCC on Saturday, September 11 at Hamilton Lake Domain in Hamilton.

Woman's World Footlock ..

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Waikato TCC Workshop all go for tomorrow (Saturday 28)

Richard Tregoweth, Friday, August 27, 2010

Rossy Ross has advised the Waikato TCC Workshop scheduled to start at 9:00am at Steele Park, Hamilton East is all go, regardless of weather (tree climbers are a hardy bunch and don't get put off by a few showers!).

However, Rossy and Marlies (Lazer) do have an alternative wet-weather plan ..

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National recall for SpanSet K4 carabiners

Richard Tregoweth, Thursday, August 26, 2010

Following the failed carabiner incident at the Yarwun 2 Project in July, SpanSet Australia has asked for all SpanSet K4 triple action carabiners, batch number 100329, to be removed from service and returned to the distributor for replacement.

SpanSet Australia cannot replicate the problem under the same conditions as ..

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Nicky Ward-Allen's world record footlock now on YouTube

Richard Tregoweth, Thursday, August 26, 2010

A video of 2010 NZ Woman's Tree Climbing Champion, Nicky Ward-Allen breaking her own world record footlock at the 2010 ITCC in Chicago on July 23 is available on YouTube. Nicky's record time for the woman's footlock is now 13:26 seconds. ..

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Waikato TCC Workshop this Saturday, Steel Park, Hamilton

Richard Tregoweth, Thursday, August 26, 2010

If you are interested in tree climbing get along to Steele Park, Hamilton East on Saturday morning (28 August) for the Waikato TCC Workshop.

This is a free workshop, organized by the NZAA . It is primary designed for newcomers ..

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Tree climbers' crisis fund proposed by NTCA

Richard Tregoweth, Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Founding directors of the Northland Tree Climbers Association, Joe Cooper and Troy Alderton have announced a proposal to establish the Agathis Tree Climbers Crisis Fund - a financial support mechanism for tree climbers in need.

Tree climbers tend to be young people, physically in the prime of their lives. However, on ..

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Brass Monkey road trip climbers all over Australasia!

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Auckland climbers who made a road trip out of Jerry Lynch's Brass Monkey Arborcamp south of Dunedin in June will be climbing in Queensland, Australia and Singapore over the next week.

Climbing brothers Johno and Matt Smith and fellow Auckland contract climber Zane Wedding (all three Brass Monkey road-trip ..

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Dave Stejskal, No:2 in the 2010 Czech Republic TCC

Richard Tregoweth, Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Auckland climber, Dave Stejskal (Czech Dave) claimed number one position in the 2010 Czech Republic TCC preliminaries held on the weekend, affording him a climb in the Masters. Dave finished second overall (out of four Masters contestants).

Apparently the competition trees were huge, with 50m ofclimbing line barely doing the ..

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Climbers' Open Forum and NTCC BBQ function registration

Richard Tregoweth, Monday, August 23, 2010

If you want to attend the Climbers' Open Forum Workshop at the 2010 NZAA Conference, scheduled for 11 November, led by Menno Kluiters and Jelte Buddingh you will need to register soon (places are limited).

In addition to the Climbers' Open Forum Workshop you you can buy tickets tothe Climbers' BBQ ..

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Safety Alert: always check your gear!

Richard Tregoweth, Monday, August 23, 2010

Just in from Thane Young at the Department of Labour. If you have recently purchased carabiners from SpanSet it would pay to give them a thorough check over. SpanSet are a UK based company, but the product is distributed in Australia (and New Zealand) through SpanSet Australia.

The SpanSet 30kNcarabiner, ..

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