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TreeMOTION set-up

TreeMOTION set-up

Richard Tregoweth - Monday, November 16, 2009

TreeMOTION (or any harness) set-up is personal. Climbers like to have equipment where it feels 'right' - where you can find it without having to look. And yet, harness set-up is one the most frequently asked questions by climbers visiting the Treetools store.

So, at every opportunity we photographharness set-ups and now we thought we'd post them for all to see. There is no right or wrong way to set your harness up but seeing what others are doingwill give you plenty of inspiration.

This weeks TreeMOTION is Jawand Ngau Chun's from Auckland (the photograph is about a week old - I believe Jawand has already changed a few things in preparationfor the National Tree Climbing Comps this weekend in Blenheim).

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