For people who climb for a living. 09 274 8090

Open Day for WINTEC Wednesday, February first.

Open Day for WINTEC Wednesday, February first.

Richard Tregoweth - Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WINTEC Arboriculture in the Waikato have produced some of the best aerial arborists in the world.

Next week (Wednesday February 1) the Hamilton Gardens Campus will be open from 3:00pm until 6:00pm to prospective students for a tour of the complex and to see tree climbers in action. There is also an opportunity to talk with arb tutors Andy Harrison and Rob Graham.

Take Gate 2 off Cobham Drive and you'll find the car park at the bottom of the hill. The WINTEC offices and lecture rooms are across the pedestrian bridge.

WINTEC Hamilton

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