For people who climb for a living. 09 274 8090

Introduction to Modern Tree Climbing Workshop

Introduction to Modern Tree Climbing Workshop

Richard Tregoweth - Thursday, September 16, 2010

Many 'old school' arborists are beginning to realize that tree climbing has changed dramatically over the last few years.

At first, resistant to the change, they carried on as per usual, swearing out loud that competition climbers were show ponies and almost incapable atdoing any 'real work'. Over time though, they have come to appreciate the efficiency gained through the use of new climbing configurations and equipment!

Pro Climb , as Treetoolshave recently stated, have their finger firmly on the pulse.

Head trainer, Rossy Ross has gauged the market correctly and announced a new workshop  this week titled: An Introduction to Modern Tree Climbing.

This is not a workshop about SRT and other advanced systems. It's more about taking your average working climber and exposing them to an efficient and safe method of working - it's all about making the climbers' life easier.

As with previous Pro Climb workshops this will be 'hands on'. Rossy has limited six 'students' to each instructor so that everyone has the maximum opportunity to try out these new methods in a safe and controlled environment.

Participants should have some tree climbing experience and access to tree climbing gear (Pro Climb has gear for hire if you are missing some of the more specialized equipment).

The Introduction to Modern Tree Climbing Workshop is an all-day affair - if Pro Climb's previous workshops are any indication, you will need to book early for this one!

Auckland's Tumai Laybourne in full flight using a knotted 10mm Armor Prus split tail configuration at the 2010 Waikato/BoP Regional TCC at the Hamilton Lake Domain on Saturday 11 September.

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