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ITCC TAC Performance Criteria one step closer to reality

ITCC TAC Performance Criteria one step closer to reality

Richard Tregoweth - Tuesday, July 24, 2012

As promised back in March the ITCC Technical Advisory Committee Performance Criteria document is now out for review.

Considering this years who-ah surrounding the use of the Rope Wrench in ISA sanctioned tree climbing competitions there is a plenty at stake with this document.

One imagines many sleepless nights (and long Skype calls) between the internationally-based 'voluntary' TAC members chaired by Mark Bridge - we do not envy them one little bit.

The result of all this discussion is now collated into the Draft Performance Criteria Document, available for climber review until August 31, 2012.

There is no doubt - the ITCC MPC was an an ambitious project from the outset, particularly given the number of countries involved and varying regional agenda associated with the ITCC.

On top of this, the committee had to recognize existing, national height safety 'standards' without alienating any particular group or country.

The same criteria applied to the various 'manufacturers' of tree climbing equipment, be they the major brands or the back-yard innovators.

To that end it looks like the TAC Performance Criteria document might satisfy even the critics.

Download a copy and have a good read (voice your opinion if necessary - now is your opportunity!).

Draft ITCC GEar Performance Review 2012The international Technical Advisory Committee members are as follows: Mark Bridge (Switzerland), Tim Bushnell (USA), Ed Carpenter (USA), Chris Cowell (UK), Rick Mexted (NZ), Joe Harris (Australia), Christian Kruck "Puk" (Germany), Grant Cody (Australia) and Dwayne Neustaeter (Canada).

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