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Grass roots tree climbing community alive and well

Grass roots tree climbing community alive and well

Richard Tregoweth - Friday, August 20, 2010

Treetools spent a pleasurable afternoon yesterday with Joe Cooper and Troy Alderton, the founding fathers of the Northland Tree Climbers Association, discussing their motivation for establishing this new tree climber’s organization.

The passion and enthusiasm generated by these two men was almost palpable and reflects a wider self-support sentiment we are finding in the tree climbing community right across the country.

A common thread in talking with these now ‘mature’ climbers (wanting to give something back to the community) is the influence of Rotorua arborist Tim Sharp. In talking with all these guys you’ll find most have attended one of Tim’s famous ‘Arborcamps’ where the seeds of their community involvement, were planted.

It appears Tim may have been slightly before his time but he should still be recognized for what he has achieved, even if it has taken awhile to flourish.

The establishment of the Northland Tree Climbers Association is the first ‘official’ New Zealand community of tree climbers (that we know of). It appears the time is now right for tree climbers to take control of their own destiny – thanks Tim!

A future tree climber sorting his throwline at Jerry Lynch's 'Brass Monkey' Arborcamp south of Dunedin in June

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