Many partners, parents, grand parents, brothers, sisters and lovers have asked about eCardsso they can buy a present for their favorite tree climber. Now, eCards are available and they are very easy to use.
Simply 'Add to Cart' the number of $10 credits you want applied to the eCard and then go to the Shopping Cart. Once you Check Out you will need to supplythe eCard recipients name, email address and there's a box where you can write a short message.
Once you complete the check out process, the recipient will recieve an email (and eCard redemption code) advising them how lucky they are. If you wantto hold the email until the appropriate day, either buy it on the day the present is required (yes, that means Christmas Day) or list the recipients namebut enter your own email for the advice notice. Then you can forward the email (and redemption code) on the special day. See below.

The Treetools Gift eCard recipient gets the pleasure of spending the credit you have allocated to their name. They will need to load the eCard code (receivedby email) when they Check Out. If the value of their order is greater than the balance on their eCard they will need to pay the difference. If it is less,they can use the code again until the eCard balance is reduced to zero.
We also have old school, hard plastic Treetools Gift Cards which can be redeemed at our Auckland shop. Give us a call if you are interested in this option.The cards are superbly packaged ready to give!