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ArbTalk launches new Arborist Knot Guide

ArbTalk launches new Arborist Knot Guide

Richard Tregoweth - Monday, June 27, 2011

The guys at ArbTAlk have beavered away on their Arborist Knot Guide for the last year and… now it's live on the ArbTalk website.

The first iteration of the guide has over 50 popular arborist knots on display with an easy-to-use interface similar to the Fungi Directory.A simple slide show format shows you step-by-step how to tie the knot - you can pause as you go to make sure you have it right.

According to Steve Bullman, the ArbTalk knot guide is a 'work in progress' so expect to see more and more arborist knots added over the coming months.The knot guide is sponsored by Fletcher Stewart (Stein), ISC and Yale.

This is a valuable 'free' resource for tree climbers.

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