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ArbTalk announces Arborist Apps for Smartphones

ArbTalk announces Arborist Apps for Smartphones

Richard Tregoweth - Saturday, April 21, 2012

ArbTalks's popular knot and fungi directories are now available for download as a Smartphone Application. Once the application is loaded onto your Smartphone the data can be accessed without telecommunications reception which will be a real bonus in some areas.

The new applications can be purchased through ArboristApps, a dedicated arborist Smartphone applications website managed by ArbTalk, or directly from the Apple iTunes Store (ArborApps links to the iTunes Store for payment).

According to ArbTalk's Steve Bullman the objective is "to give every arborist access to a useful, functional reference point that can be kept at arms reach throughout the course of the working day".

"Our apps offer no gimmicks, just good quality and accurate information in the palm of your hand when you need it most."

And, pretty good value to boot!

The content for these new Smartphone applications is lifted from ArbTalks existing knot and fungi directories which have already stood the test of time.

ArtTalk Apps

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