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Another excellent Open Masters Challenge!

Another excellent Open Masters Challenge!

Richard Tregoweth - Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thanks to Matt Glen for his work in setting up and promoting the Open Masters Challenge Series. These events not only provide a fantastic opportunity for climbers to hone their skills but it also helps develop judges and technicians in a competitive (but not too serious) environment. We are certain more of these events around the country would help develop the sport further in New Zealand.

Today's Open Masters Challenge was won by Drew Bristow of DB Tree fame who was in excellent form following last weekends effort in Adelaide (second in 2010 ISAAC TCC preliminaries).

It was good to see 2010 Auckland Regional TCC champ and NZ 2010 Asia-Pacific TCC representative Jawand Ngau Chunon the sidelines, almost mended after issues with the thumb ligaments on his right hand - he should be climbing again in a few weeks - we expect to seeyou competing in the next Open Masters Jawand!

Another long-time-no-see face was that of Auckland climber, Matt Dallas. While every other competitor today entered the tree using SRT Matt went old schoolwith a 25 meter footlock! He timed out before completing all the stations but it was an excellent effort nevertheless.

Event organizer Matt Glen had the most dramatic climb. He lost the end of his rope while setting up a redirect but managed to recover after some quickthinking and plenty of advice from the ground. Matt completed all the stations but timed out by 15 seconds.

Open Masters regular Tony Bennett had a good consistent climb but lost points for not taking the judges advice to lanyard in on a long branch walk wherea mishap would have meant a rather unpleasant swing into the stem. Chainsaw (or chipper) ear was the problem - apparently!

Johno Smith was DQed for sending his Unicender down the rope (hardware from the tree rule). To start, he took awhile to get his line in but once underwayyou could see the immediate benefit of the Unicender. Next time Johno.

Unfortunately time ran out for the SRT Speed Climb - that will have to be next time also.

Thanks again Matt Glen for a great day of tree climbing!

Matt Dallas getting his bearings after a long 'competitive' lay off.

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