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2010 a busy year for the Treemagineers

2010 a busy year for the Treemagineers

Richard Tregoweth - Saturday, December 04, 2010

The Treemotion harness defines the Treemagineers in New Zealand - just have a look at the number of climbers wearing Treemotions at the recent New Zealand National TCC. But there is more to the Treemagineers than the Treemotion harness.

In Europe the Treemagineers have a relatively high profile, probably due to the number of workshops and seminars they are involved in - and, you may bump into the trio at any one of the various European and UK tree climbing comps.

Kiwi climbers have to resort to the internet to keep abreast of Treemagineers inspired rope tools and hardware… and they have not been disappointed in 2010.

The DMM Impact Blocks set the NZ tree care industry buzzing earlier in the year when they were first announced. And the new Pinto pulley(s) also has tree climbers salivating - both the Impact Blocks and Pinto pulleys should be available later this month or early next year.

The Treemagineers inspired DMM Rigging Hubs generated plenty of interest at the time of the launch but without 'education' tucked in behind the product they will remain in the 'interesting' category.

Other 2010 developments include the CE Lanyard which incorporates the Pinto pulley as the hitch tender. Check out the picture below and note how the lanyard-end carabiner is attached directly to the becket on the Pinto.

The multiANCHOR and the ROPEring are also available for 2010. Download the brochures (by clicking on the multiANCHOR and ROPEring links) but don't skip to the pages translated in English and expect to find all the relevant information - not all the pictures are available in the English section, so scroll through the entire brochure to get a better handle on how these products work.

Treetools anticipates having most of these new Treemagineers products available early in 2011 - slightly behind the times!

Various configuration options for the large DMM Impact Block (photos courtesy of Treemagineer, Chris Cowell)

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